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Envelope Maker 3.3
About Envelope Maker -------------------------------------------
Envelope Maker is an easy to use, full feature envelope printing
application that makes the job of printing envelopes a breeze. It
runs on all IBM and compatible computers in a minimum of 265K of
RAM. It requires an Epson or IBM compatible dot matrix printer.
Envelope Maker is a shareware product, which means that you can
try it before you buy it, and freely copy and share the program
with your friends.
There are three steps to using Envelope Maker:
1. Installing the Envelope Maker files.
2. Running the Program
3. Reading the User's Guide
In the directions that follow, <Enter> means press the Enter or
Return key.
Installing Envelope Maker --------------------------------------
Envelope Maker may be installed on any drive/directory on your
hard disk or, ran from a floppy disk drive. The only requirement
is that ENV.EXE, ENV.IDX, ENV.PRO, ENV.DAT and TITLE.DAT files be
on the same drive and directory.
Registered users receive one of two versions of the program file
(ENV.EXE). The first, optimized for CPUs 8088 thru 80186. This
version will have a /U suffix, marked after the version designa-
tion on the disk. The second version's for 80286 thru 80486 CPUs.
This version will have a /F suffix, marked after the version
designation on the disk. If you didn't designate your CPU type
when you registered, or you're not sure of the type, you'll
receive /U type. This is the universal version that will run on
all IBM and compatible computers. NEVER attempt to run the /F
type on a computer that has an 8088 through 80186 CPU! It will
only run correctly if your computer has an 80286 or higher CPU.
Installing on floppy only system: With your DOS system disk in
drive A: and a blank diskette in drive B: type:
Format B: /s <Enter>
After formatting put this disk in drive A. Put the Envelope Maker
distribution disk in drive B and type:
Copy B:*.* A: <Enter>
You're ready now to run Envelope Maker.
Installing on a hard disk system: At the C> prompt and with
Envelope Maker distribution disk in drive A type:
Copy A:*.* C:\directory of your choice <Enter>
CD \same directory as above <Enter>
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You're ready now to run Envelope Maker.
Please read the User's Guide (in ENV.DOC) for the installation
and use of the Grab utility.
Running Envelope Maker -----------------------------------------
Floppy disk system: With your working diskette in drive A and at
the A> prompt, type:
ENV <Enter>
Hard Disk system: Change to the directory you copied the Envelope
Maker files to and type:
ENV <Enter>
Select the Setup option from the Main Menu. Envelope Maker auto-
matically detects the adapter type and allows three colors with
any color adapter. Monochrome adapter computers don't have this
option. If your monitor is color, select the Change Colors menu
option. Follow the screen prompts to set the three colors of your
choose. Continue setup, selecting your printer type and envelope
size choice, ETC.. Changes made take effect when you exit Setup.
Reading the User's Guide ---------------------------------------
The user's guide is the file ENV.DOC. This file is an ASCII file
which may printed or viewed with your favorite text editor/word
You are encouraged to copy the Envelope Maker disk and share it
with others. After trying out Envelope Maker, and decide to con-
tinue to use it, you are trusted to register for $20.00. Your
support is important and greatly appreciated. With it, this Share
ware product will be continuously developed and updated.
With registration you'll receive:
- A current copy of the program optimized for your CPU type
- The Envelope Maker Utility - for converting old versions, and
maintaining the new version address data files.
- Unlimited technical support - by letter
- Notification of updates
- Inexpensive upgrade offers
- The sense of satisfaction in being able to shape a product to
your own needs.
- A sense of pride in having honestly participated in the
Shareware revolution.
I hope this product is a productive tool for you.
Happy Envelopes! William R. Bauder
Page 2
| User Response Form |
I would like to know more about you and your requirements. This
information helps me make improvements in Envelope Maker, as well
as add new features that you need. The Shareware - User Supported
Software concept, can only work correctly when I know your needs
or desires. Please help by completing this questionnaire.
| Envelope Maker Rel. No. Date: |
| Computer brand/model: |
| Drive Types: |
| CPU Type: | Amount of RAM |
| Printer Brand/Model: |
| Video adapter(CGA,VGA,ETC.) |
| Source of your copy |
Any compatibility problems running Envelope Maker on
your computer? ________________________________________
What do you like best about Envelope Maker? ___________
What do you like least about Envelope Maker? __________
Improvements Wanted
Here's some enhancements being considered for a future
release. Please help me to prioritize them.
Put a "1" beside any feature you must have.
Put a "2" beside any that would be nice to have.
Put a "3" beside those that you don't care about.
___ Laser Printer support
___ Additional Printer support (List brand/model below)
___ Export address data to dBase or other files
___ Import address data from dBase or other files
___ More comprehensive documentation
___ Postnet bar codes
___ Other _________________________________________________
Page 3
| Envelope Maker Registration Payment Form |
To order Envelope Maker please complete the form below.
| Date: |
| Name: |
| Company: |
| Address: |
| |
| City: |
| State/Country: Zip: |
| Phone Home: ( ) ______-__________ |
| Work: ( ) ______-__________ |
| Quantity | Description | Cost Ea | Total |
| | Envelope Maker | $20.00 | |
Please indicate diskette format: [ ] 5 1/4 [ ] 3 1/2
Please indicate your CPU type: _______________________
Method of Payment: [ ] Money Order [ ] Check
Sorry, no credit card orders please.
International orders: please make payment by an
international money order.
Make check or money order | William R. Bauder |
payable and send to: | HQ CO, USAMSC-K, Box 165 |
| APO San Francisco 96460 |
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